Archive for January 4th, 2010

A Mommy’s love…and cast-iron stomach

“They” say your body changes in ways you couldn’t imagine when you have kids. I have proof.

Whenever someone proverbially tossed their cookies, I found myself at least gagging if not joining in. I’ve even worked in hospitals and still never quite got used to that.

Until I became a Mommy, that is. These thoughts occurred to me as I spent an entire night this past weekend holding one child as “cookies” were tossed left and right, and all without so much as a twitch from my own usually active gagging reflex. I hugged, gave water to swish with, wiped his poor little face, and yes, held his warm little body over the right place when needed. And not a peep from my own throat.

Changing in ways I couldn’t imagine. Now that’s Mommy power.